Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Night Thoughts after 4 Hours of Painting

I'm not going to be afraid to change it up, to paint like I draw, to draw like I build, to build like I sew, to sew like I paint. I'm going to do what I want and not worry that all directions that are within me are "too disparate"...too disparate for whom?...they are all me. I used to not know this fear. Moving to New York - Grand Central Station of Art & Business - changed that, made me somewhat more guarded and careful. But I say screw the Art Market; as I said before; I say it again with renewed vigor. Screw the sad eye that doesn't see solid foundation underneath oddness or ugliness it doesn't understand. It too readily sees that solid foundation in a more "academic" piece which impresses all too easily...who cares about the hugeness, complication and intricacy of that family of forms that yes, comes from the same, one and only tree - as long as all the fruits that fall are true...